Thursday, July 25, 2013

Review: Simple Eye Make-Up Remover

I skipped out on hitting the gym today even when I had no legitimate excuse, so I have been PUSHING myself in my head for the last couple've hours to blog about what I've been wanting to blog about since a week ago. It's like a punishment, but not really since I love drafting up posts for this blog, but I can never get started! Does anyone else feel me?

I feel like this is my problem. I always know what's the right thing to do, what I should be doing, and the magnitude of things that I am capable of doing, but I can never get started. I can make to-do lists, download apps that will help me remind me things I have due, and repeat motivational quotes in my head, but the hardest thing for me to do is stop procrastinating and get started. And having an iPhone has only made it worse for me. I am pretty much such a sucker for the apps on my phone that I've become the kind of person I hate the know, the kind of people who at any time feels mildly bored would whip up their phones and scroll through Instagram/Twitter/Facebook. I've been trying very hard not to do that when I am not at home, and so far it's working well. I like looking at things around me and being aware of my surroundings when I walk anyway. But when it comes down to needing to get stuff done, my phone is the first thing I turn to. It doesn't even matter whether there are things to see (time difference and stuff), I just keep refreshing my social feeds until I feel extremely disgusted with myself. But enough about my "problem", I am blogging now and I feel keep this momentum and transfer it unto my school work later!


Two weeks ago, along with my drugstore beauty haul, I finally got an eye make-up remover that I thought would be PERFECT. Given the price point as well, I thought I snagged myself what could be the best eye make-up remover ever!

So, everyone knows Simple as the brand that does products for sensitive skin. I've been using their cleansing wipes for years and I've loved it simply because it was gentle enough for my skin but still cleansed it well, and it never gave me any problems. I've also used their cleansers before on one or two occasions but I never had any qualms about it.

That's why I thought this eye make-up remover would be perfect! And look, even on the outside of the bottle it says it is "kind to eyes"....what a load of crock. Seriously. I have never had an eye make-up remover that stung my eyes so bad, and I've been using your regular drugstore brands like L'Oreal, Maybelline, and even Malaysia's own SILKYGIRL. Those eye make-up removers never irritated my eyes and they work well enough to remove waterproof mascara too.

This remover I swear, felt like I was just using regular make-up remover for the face to take the eye make-up off. It was terrible! And I am just appalled, because imagine how much chemicals have to be in it for it to have stung so bad. Their claim is that they have no "harsh irritants" like perfume or dyes, and it is "safe for sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers"...if only there was a drinking game for the number of times I rolled my eyes while reading those claims.

So, yes.
I am thoroughly disappointed with this eye make-up remover. Their cleansing wipes are still amazing though and I highly recommend them, but for the sake of the comfort for your eyes and the love you have for them, please don't purchase the eye make-up remover. If anyone has had good experiences with this particular eye make-up remover, let me know!

Until next time, my wonderlicious readers!

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