Thursday, July 25, 2013

Review: Simple Eye Make-Up Remover

I skipped out on hitting the gym today even when I had no legitimate excuse, so I have been PUSHING myself in my head for the last couple've hours to blog about what I've been wanting to blog about since a week ago. It's like a punishment, but not really since I love drafting up posts for this blog, but I can never get started! Does anyone else feel me?

I feel like this is my problem. I always know what's the right thing to do, what I should be doing, and the magnitude of things that I am capable of doing, but I can never get started. I can make to-do lists, download apps that will help me remind me things I have due, and repeat motivational quotes in my head, but the hardest thing for me to do is stop procrastinating and get started. And having an iPhone has only made it worse for me. I am pretty much such a sucker for the apps on my phone that I've become the kind of person I hate the know, the kind of people who at any time feels mildly bored would whip up their phones and scroll through Instagram/Twitter/Facebook. I've been trying very hard not to do that when I am not at home, and so far it's working well. I like looking at things around me and being aware of my surroundings when I walk anyway. But when it comes down to needing to get stuff done, my phone is the first thing I turn to. It doesn't even matter whether there are things to see (time difference and stuff), I just keep refreshing my social feeds until I feel extremely disgusted with myself. But enough about my "problem", I am blogging now and I feel keep this momentum and transfer it unto my school work later!


Two weeks ago, along with my drugstore beauty haul, I finally got an eye make-up remover that I thought would be PERFECT. Given the price point as well, I thought I snagged myself what could be the best eye make-up remover ever!

So, everyone knows Simple as the brand that does products for sensitive skin. I've been using their cleansing wipes for years and I've loved it simply because it was gentle enough for my skin but still cleansed it well, and it never gave me any problems. I've also used their cleansers before on one or two occasions but I never had any qualms about it.

That's why I thought this eye make-up remover would be perfect! And look, even on the outside of the bottle it says it is "kind to eyes"....what a load of crock. Seriously. I have never had an eye make-up remover that stung my eyes so bad, and I've been using your regular drugstore brands like L'Oreal, Maybelline, and even Malaysia's own SILKYGIRL. Those eye make-up removers never irritated my eyes and they work well enough to remove waterproof mascara too.

This remover I swear, felt like I was just using regular make-up remover for the face to take the eye make-up off. It was terrible! And I am just appalled, because imagine how much chemicals have to be in it for it to have stung so bad. Their claim is that they have no "harsh irritants" like perfume or dyes, and it is "safe for sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers"...if only there was a drinking game for the number of times I rolled my eyes while reading those claims.

So, yes.
I am thoroughly disappointed with this eye make-up remover. Their cleansing wipes are still amazing though and I highly recommend them, but for the sake of the comfort for your eyes and the love you have for them, please don't purchase the eye make-up remover. If anyone has had good experiences with this particular eye make-up remover, let me know!

Until next time, my wonderlicious readers!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Announcement feat. Selfie

On the way to Huntington Beach, when my hair was still dry and pretty, and when my make up was still perfect in my eyes. No editing needed! Super happy. 

Hello lovelies!

I know I said on my Instagram that I will be blogging over the weekend but I was out there doing things and I was hardly at home. I apologize for the delay and the letdown (if there was any) but I had a great weekend despite it being really tiring.

Follow me on Instagram if you haven't already at @exquisitefox. I try to post interesting and appropriate pictures of my life, and I like all the love I get when I'm on that thing! I start hustling for finals starting this week and it ends the week after, and I'll definitely try to squeeze in at least two more posts by this weekend. There are so many things I want to rave about, but there's so little time!

Stay tuned!


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Issue #4

Clinique Redness Solutions Instant Relief Mineral Powder
COVERGIRL Brow and Eye Makers Pencil in "Midnight Brown"
Anastasia Beverly Hills Clear Brow Gel
Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion in "Original"
Laura Mercier Artist's Palette for Eyes, "Sunlit", "Plum Smoke", "Cafe Au Lait", and "Rich Coffee"
Clinique Brush-On Cream Liner in "True Black"
Tarte MultiplEYE Lash Enhancing Primer
Benefit They're Real! Mascara

Sorry about the image quality. Took this with my phone instead of my camera.


I thought taking a break from being lazy and just relying on the two shadows I have on my Bobbi Brown Atomic Pink Lip and Eye Palette would be a good change for me. I have been guilty of settling into a routine for the last few weeks, especially since I discovered that when I do away with the eyeliner and just apply the Bobbi Brown metallic eye shadow in "Cement" across my upper eyelid, my double eyelids that were previously inconspicuous will become more prominent. I guess that was a sticker/surgery-free way that I discovered to making my double eyelids more visible.

But then because I started blogging again, I got really annoyed with myself for running through the motions when it came to applying my make-up. So I decided to revert back to my Laura Mercier Artist's Palette for Eyes. This time, I also decided to mix colors that I would not usually apply together on the same eyelid, and use a completely different method of applying the eye shadows. Also, let's not forget the eyeliner! It's been a while since I've had eyeliner applied across my lash line. It felt nice.... :D

P.S. Never, ever try to substitute an eye make-up remover with one that is designed specifically for the face.
I made the mistake of using my Bifesta Sebum Cleansing Lotion on my eyes because I ran out of my Maybelline Clean Express Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover and I had no other eye make-up remover stocked at home! I was supposed to drop by CVS to get it after my night out but it completely slipped my mind. As I am typing this right now, I am slapping myself for not thinking of using my cleansing wipes! They would have been gentle enough on my eyes, even if I might have to exert more force than usual on my eyelids. But those wipes would have been better than what I put my eyelids through! Firstly, they burned. After that, they still continued to burn while I felt incredibly dry around my eye area. Then, even after dabbing on the bareMinerals Renew & Hydrate Eye Cream, I could still feel the burn! The next morning, after I cleansed my face, I felt the skin around my eye area to be incredibly tight still.

Therefore, I would like to apologize to my eyes and the skin surrounding them for the pain that I've put them through. I will never succumb you guys to such suffering anymore!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Manicure Mondays #1

This beautiful colour by Essie is one that I would never choose at first glance. It is only during those days when I'm shopping online and I am eager to step out of my box to dabble into something I wouldn't usually mess with that I would purchase a colour like this. And I didn't regret it of course!

I've always loved Essie polishes because the formula is always consistent. The colour is buildable so you can trust that even if it looks sheer the first coat, by the second coat it's as beautiful as you'd expect it to be.

Also, if you're thinking- Ah, Nen Lin, I see you decided to make your accent nail on a different nail...
Well, I truly intended it to be on my second finger! But then you know how you sometimes just go through the motions without even thinking? Kinda like brushing your teeth? Yeah...I was on my middle finger and then I realized I just applied the same polish on the second nail without thinking! Anyway, there was still my ring finger so all hell did not break lose. Phew! Hahaha.

The blue polish that dominates this colour palette on my fingers is Essie in "Avenue Maintain". Two coats.
My accent nail is Mariah Carey by OPI in "Get Your Number", which is part of the Liquid Sand collection. Three coats, because I wanted it to be a deeper, darker blue.
As for the sparkly flakes, they belong to China Glaze in "Luxe and Lush". 

As you can see, the surrounding skin of my nails kind of suck. I am attributing it to my inability to resist peeling dry skin. Probably should moisturize with all the hand creams I have lying around, and not just using them when I want soften them and push my cuticles back.

I hope today has been a great start to the week for all of you!


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Product Empties- March to June 2013


It's been a long weekend for me since I went on break on Fourth of July and didn't have to go back to work/school on Friday (yay on-campus dining services and my instructor!). Also, I had a pretty stressful start of the week because I had a magazine article due on Tuesday and a midterm on Wednesday, so this break literally felt like my finals ended. And all the stressing paid off at the same time because I got really great feedback on my article and the research I did!

So, here I am, after a whole weekend of binge-eating and South Park/Amazon Prime movie marathons, ready to blog about something at least! It's no surprise I have A LOT of things to talk about but I'll try to do it one at a time without overwhelming you lovely readers with one long post that will probably take up your bandwidth or something. Lol.


I never thought of showing you guys the products that I've used up because it never felt like I was finishing stuff as quickly as the beauty gurus I follow on YouTube. But after hoarding empty bottles of body lotion because I was weird and couldn't bear to throw them out, I realized how quickly I actually went through my beauty stuff! And I've even thrown some away but for those that I've managed to "save", they're here for you to see! Some of them are pretty mediocre, some of them I absolutely love...

From left to right, top to bottom:

1) Crabtree & Evelyn Savannah Gardens Scented Body Lotion
I've talked about this before in my post about body moisturizers so I am not going to waste your time on this. I would just like to say again that with Crabtree & Evelyn products, it is always the most unsuspecting ones that makes you the happiest! For real. Who would've thought a scented body lotion would be more moisturizing than a body lotion that claims to moisturizing? I am currently using the Crabtree & Evelyn Nantucket Briar Bath & Shower Gel and its only claim is that it's scented but damn, it leaves your skin all supple and soft! The bottle is 500ml and it retails for $28.

2) Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturzing Gel
Many of you out there probably have used the Clinique moisturizers in this range. It is, after all, the safest and more effective moisturizers for your face, especially if you have sensitive skin. However, one thing that really irks me about myself is my timing with these moisturizers. I bought this during wintertime, having never truly bought a face moisturizer before (I do not count my first few failed products), and so I bought the gel version thinking it would suit my combination skin best. But the thing is, my skin has changed a lot since I got here to the U.S., especially with the weather conditions. I'm sure I mentioned this before but when I was back in Malaysia, the only skincare product I regularly used on my face was my cleanser...but right now during the summer, even though it's still humid, I am still finding my skin needing a moisturizer no matter what. 

During the winter, I used to slap a ton of this gel on my skin to moisturize it. Why didn't I just buy the cream version for dry skin then? Well, for one, I was still at that stage where my skin would break out if I even dared to dabble into other skincare brands (remember, this was pre-Clarisonic days!) and I was scared of the frustration that would cause me if I went on to discover other brands. Secondly, this worked fine anyway as long as I slap on just a bit more on certain sections of my face (the corners of my mouth, for instance).

And then, when this moisturizer was running out, which was coincidentally when summer was rolling around, I went ahead and purchased the bareMinerals Purely Nourishing Moisturizer...for normal to dry skin. If you're thinking, why didn't you just figure it out and adapt by buying the one for combination skin instead? Well, the reviews for the normal to dry skin one was better! Some people had breakouts using the one for combination skin...and I wasn't sure the moisturizer sample I used from bareMinerals a few months ago was for normal to dry skin or combination skin. Sigh. First world problems, right?

Anyway, returning stuff to bareMinerals is a bit of a hassle because you have to call them first...and I have to get around to doing that...because the normal to dry skin version of the bareMinerals moisturizer can't be adapted to my skin no matter how I try.

3) Crabtree & Evelyn Wisteria Bath & Shower Gel
The first Crabtree & Evelyn product I've ever used for as long as I can remember! This is actually purchased by my sister back in Malaysia and I just brought it over hehehe. I always trust my sister to have one of the best tastes when it comes to these things and I am pretty sure it works the other way too  (:D :D :D), and she used to let me use this when I was back home during the summer of 2012. Quality wise, you can expect not to be disappointed because it smells great and it won't irritate your skin. At the same time, I probably won't be repurchasing it just because I have come to the conclusion a few months back that unless the shower gel has healing properties in it, there is no point spending so much money on them when I can get a sizable product for just $5! This shower gel is only 250ml and it retails for $22 here....I can't even...

4) Crabtree & Evelyn Wisteria Body Lotion
This, I got it on my own when I was at the store. It is too, only 250ml and it costs $24. I finished this bottle in LESS THAN THREE WEEKS. No points for guessing how heartbreaking it was for me. It was good while it lasted though but there is definitely better, cheaper body lotions out there. I mean, just compare this with the first body lotion I talked about!

5) St. Ives Collage Elastin Moisturizing Body Wash
Drugstore product! +1 point for being a money-saving, financial savvy lady. I joke! Got this before I came back to the U.S. August last year because I made a mistake when converting the currencies and thought this was cheaper in Malaysia than it would be in the U.S. How stupid can I be, though? This product is made in the U.S. and then Malaysia imports it. -.- It's okay. It cleanses, it doesn't leave my skin feeling dry, and it smells nice! Probably would repurchase this but I'm more interested in trying other drugstore body washes.

6) Crabtree & Evelyn Jojoba Oil Moisturizing Body Lotion
Don't you just LOVE saying jojoba oil? I love how you're supposed to say it! Hohoba hohoba hohoba. Anyway, talked about this before too. Love the scent for this more than the scented body lotion mentioned above, but the scented body lotion is more moisturizing. See how Crabtree & Evelyn tries to trick you?! Hahaha. I'm sure they're not trying to do that, but that's how their products work for me.

7) Bifesta Sebum Cleansing Lotion
I've been using this make-up remover for as long as I can remember. I also first started using it because my sister had it and she highly recommended it. I never switched my make-up remover because like I said before, it is tough trying new stuff that could possibly be detrimental to your skin. I want to start off by saying, I LOVE this make-up remover. I know a lot of girls like using cleansing wipes to remove their make-up but I've never been a fan of that, simply because it always feels like the cleansing wipes don't remove your make-up as thoroughly as it should, and I always feel like I'm pulling on my skin (bad for someone like me who is already starting to look old!). I do get pretty lazy sometimes when it comes to removing my make-up, I am human after all. But I think if you're already removing your make-up, do it the right way! The product says that you do not have to use a facial cleanser after using this, but I still do anyway with my Lancome Creme Radiance Cream-to-Foam Cleanser and my Clarisonic Aria. Always better to be safe than sorry.

Funny story about this product.
I wanted to stock up on these make-up removers when I was back home last year (this time, it IS cheaper to buy it in Malaysia), and I was with my girlfriends. They kept telling me to try the one called Bifesta when all along I've known this product as Mandom. So, we reached the store and we realized that we were talking about the same product all along! It was funnier the way I remembered it just sounds like a regular story. OH WELL.

They sell these here at the Asian supermarkets as well but they're mad expensive. I might try searching for a replacement after the remaining bottles I have run out. It will be a tough goodbye, but it has to happen! Also, if you're in Malaysia, they're CONSTANTLY having a sale at Watson or SASA for these cleansing lotions, so go snag one while you can! The one I'm using is called "sebum" because it's for combination skin but they have others for dry skin, dull and flaky skin, and mature skin.

8) Maybelline Clean Express Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover
Bought this when they first released it. Works just like how an eye make-up remover should. I don't know whether I've gotten better at removing my eye make-up, but using this I never felt like I would be scrubbing or pulling on my eye to get all the gunk off. It removes all the eye make-up really well, even my waterproof mascara goes off without a hassle. My only concern about this is that it is a pretty small bottle and I went through this bottle really fast as well. I definitely can get more out of my eye make-up removers when I'm using the ones by L'Oreal and Bifesta. So, I might repurchase this, but not in the near future.

9) Philosophy Amazing Grace Whipped Body Creme
This product is separated from the pile not because it deserves the attention, but because I forgot to include it into the group picture. Lol. I was excited to use this product because I knew it was going to be very different from the other body moisturizers I have used. And also because it was the same kind of texture that the Laura Mercier Souffle Body Creme that I covet is. But, it was a bit disaapointing. The scent was absolutely delish, of course, which was what appealed to me when I was in the store, but I felt like I had to use a lot of the product on my body because it was a dry kind of texture so you can't spread it as easily on your body as you could with a body lotion or a body butter. Won't be repurchasing it, but I still want to try the Laura Mercier one of course!


That is it for today's post! Obviously it is long and wordy as usual. But I really wanted to give you an honest take about these products and I didn't want to miss anything out.

Let me know if you have any questions or leave your comments down below! I would love to hear from people who read this blog, and I will definitely try to update more. Thinking of incorporating just a bit of my personal life and some style stuff into my blog, but that is still an idea. I might not do it since you have my Instagram for that! 

I now own two times the lippes I owned when you all last heard from me. So I might want to talk about some of my favourites.
Expect to hear from me soon!
