Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Update: I Am Working On Bettering Myself

Hello wonderful people who are still taking the time and patience to visit this site in hopes of seeing an update! It's been three weeks since my semester has ended and summer session has begun but no new post could be found since then....until today!

I would love to blame it all on my busy life schedule, but it is really just due to my laziness. I would also like to blame the ridiculously hot weather that we have been graced with. I have taken to making weird noises and grunting to express my disgust towards the weather. This is what we have in Malaysia all year round! But there is always an air-conditioned space where one can escape oneself. But here? My apartment has NO air-conditioning. The closest I can get to "cool wind" is by opening my window and turning on my stand fan and have it blowing directly at me. No "swing" option because no way am I letting anything/anywhere else have the fan. It's a luxury in this weather on a college student budget!

Anyway, forget the weather.
I have had many beauty hauls, tried and tested several products, and used some until they were empty. All these while, I am always thinking about my blog- "I should blog about this" is a pretty standard thought in my head, one that comes up at least once a week. But alas! With the diminished amount of workload since one of my summer classes started this month, I have only become lazier...if that was even possible.

It's not that I hate blogging.
I don't! I love this blog, I love composing posts knowing I'm contributing to its growth, I love sharing what I know about beauty, and I love sharing this learning process I'm in with my readers. But you know how some people always have the greatest ideas but they are never really good at executing them? Well, I am one of them. I am currently trying to make all my dreams a reality, big or small, and it all starts with my attitude towards things!

Therefore, I will be blogging more often. I will not be avoiding Blogger completely just because I don't want to think about it. And, terrible weather or not, it should not be a reason for me to not keep this blog updated!

Stay tuned!
And thank you for never giving up on me!

I have also FINALLY gotten my own iPhone to Instagram! So, I am definitely updating more often there. Follow me on Instagram as well, if you wish to!

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